Name : A challenge against abstaining from the acknowledgment of The Egyptian nationality of Ahmed Qadhaf Al-DamAl-Qadhafy (35900,25901/67)

Case no. : 35900, 25901/67
Year : 2013
Litigant : Ahmed Mohamed Qdhaf Al-Dam Al-Qdhafy ، Capacity :Contester

Verdict of administrative judiciary

Date :3 April, 2013
The Supreme Administrative commissioners’ report

The lawsuit was filed against:The president of Egypt,Prime minister,interior minister ,minister for foreign affairs,  Passports, Emigration & Nationality Administration.

The contested decision:Abstaining from the acknowledgment of the Egyptian nationality of Ahmed Qadhaf Al-Dam Al-Qadhafy and not enabling him of taking the legal procedures necessary to obtain a certificate of his original Egyptian nationality.

The ruling:The Administrative Court suspended the extradition procedures.