The claim was filed against: The president of Egypt, The prime minister, The interior minister, The public prosecutor, The first assistant to the minister of justices and head of the formed committee to manage the funds of Muslim Brotherhood members, The minister of justice and head of Notary Public, head of Ismailiya branch of Notary Public, The Central Bank governor, Chairman of the board of directors of Banque Misr, Chairman of the board of directors of Suez Canal bank.
The contested decision:The decision rendered by the Committee formed by the minister of justice to freeze the assets of Muslim Brotherhood members no.7995/2013 Urgent Matters Court.
The ruling:The court suspended executing the decision.
Case no. : 68094 for judicial year 68Year : 2014
Litigant : Ahmed Mohamed Husseiny El-laban ، Capacity :Contester
Verdict of administrative judiciary
Date :16 December, 2014
Ahmed Soliman Mohamed Soliman
Mohamed Hazem El-Bahnassy Mansour
Courts :Administrative court